The elderly are the main force among the diabetic population. When the house leaks and it rains all night long, elderly people with diabetes often suffer from diseases such as high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, and cerebral infarction. The body's metabolic capacity also deteriorates, and their eyesight and legs and feet are also less flexible. Therefore, in the view of our doctors, elderly people with diabetes are the key targets of protection and must be closely monitored. On the road to fighting against the devil, they are different from ordinary adult diabetic patients. One of the differences - eating: no need to deliberately lose weight Many elderly people with diabetes believe that they are too fat and their blood sugar is too high because of food, so they control their diet extremely harshly, causing their bodies to lose weight day by day. At this time, they are secretly happy, after all, "it is hard to buy old age to lose weight." ! Ye...
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