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Solving Summer Thirst with Medicine & Food

 Medicine and Food: Managing Summer Thirst for Diabetics

As summer arrives with its scorching sun and vibrant growth, it’s crucial to align our bodies with the season’s characteristics to maintain health. For diabetics, summer brings a common challenge: managing thirst. Traditional medicine offers insights and remedies that can help, blending medicinal knowledge with dietary adjustments.

Summer Thirst and Diabetes
The heat of summer often leads to increased thirst, a sensation where the mouth feels dry. In traditional Chinese medicine, thirst and the amount of water one drinks are closely related. However, for diabetics, thirst is often accompanied by frequent urination and is mostly due to kidney deficiency, where water isn’t transformed into body fluid properly. Additionally, some diabetics may feel thirsty but are unwilling to drink, a condition often caused by internal damp-heat obstructing body fluid transformation.

In such cases, managing diet, exercise, and medication is crucial. When symptoms of thirst and irritability appear, traditional medicine offers solutions that can relieve discomfort while ensuring stable blood sugar levels.

Remedies to Relieve Thirst
Watermelon is a sweet, cold fruit that clears heat, relieves summer heat, quells thirst, and promotes urination. It’s clinically used to alleviate symptoms like dry tongue, thirst, and sweating. Known as the “natural Baihu Decoction,” watermelon can relieve the Qi-level syndrome symptoms common in summer. But for diabetics, the question is whether they can safely consume watermelon.

Diabetics can eat watermelon under two conditions: stable blood sugar control and moderate consumption. Despite its high glycemic index, watermelon’s high water content means its sugar content isn’t the highest compared to other fruits. Therefore, a small piece of watermelon in summer is generally safe for diabetics with good blood sugar control. However, those with weak spleen and stomach or heavy dampness should avoid excessive consumption.

Five Juice Drink:
For those cautious about watermelon, the Five Juice Drink (Wuzhiyin) offers a great alternative. Originating from “Wenbing Tiaobian,” this drink includes pears, fresh lotus root, fresh reed root, fresh ophiopogon, and water chestnuts. The ingredients are washed, crushed, and juiced, to be consumed several times a day. It helps with thirst, dry throat, and irritability.

However, fresh reed root and fresh ophiopogon might be hard to find, so they can be substituted with Chinese herbal slices. Also, reducing the quantity of pears, lotus roots, and water chestnuts, and boiling them as a soup can make preparation easier and ensure that the beneficial components are consumed efficiently.

Managing Diet and Hydration
For diabetics, it’s essential to integrate medicinal food remedies into a balanced diet without compromising blood sugar stability. Here are some tips:

Monitor Blood Sugar: Regular monitoring helps in understanding how different foods, including medicinal diets, impact blood sugar levels.
Moderate Consumption: Even healthy foods and remedies should be consumed in moderation. Calculate the energy intake of medicinal foods in your daily diet to avoid fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
Consult Healthcare Providers: Before starting any new dietary regimen, especially medicinal foods, consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it aligns with your overall treatment plan.
Novo FlexPen
For managing diabetes effectively, consider using Novo FlexPen, a prefilled insulin pen designed for convenience and accuracy. Here’s why Novo FlexPen is beneficial:

Ease of Use: Novo FlexPen is user-friendly, making it easier for diabetics to manage their insulin intake, especially during travel or busy schedules.
Accurate Dosing: The pen ensures precise insulin delivery, which is crucial for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
Portable: Its compact design allows for easy carrying, ensuring that diabetics can manage their condition wherever they are.
By incorporating traditional medicinal food remedies and utilizing modern tools like Novo FlexPen, diabetics can enjoy the summer while effectively managing their condition. Remember, maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and consulting healthcare providers are key to optimal health and well-being.


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